CNP ZOIS - Bonjour Multicover

Bonjour Multicover

Bonjour Multicover

This is an insurance program that provides cover in the event that Serious Illnesses are diagnosed.

These are the cases of forty two (42) Serious Illnesses which have been classified into six groups. Following the diagnosis of a Serious Illness by the Company, the insured amount is paid as a lump-sum and irrespective of the expenses that may have been incurred.
For this particular insurance, up to 3 submitted claims may be accepted, provided that each one of these claims falls into a different group of Serious Illnesses.


Combination of Coverage

Option to combine with other supplementary insurance cover within the same Insurance Policy.

Payment of Compensation

Compensation is paid regardless of the expenses that may have been incurred.

Continuation of Insurance

The insurance policy is not terminated upon payment of a single compensation. It is possible to cover up to 3 instances of Serious Illnesses, provided that each one of these illnesses falls into a different group under which the 42 Serious Illnesses which are covered have been classified.

Simple and easy insurance procedure

Your Insurance Policy is issued quickly and then delivered to you immediately by means of a simple and easy insurance process.


Individuals 18 to 55 years old, who want financial support, in case they are diagnosed with up to three out of the 42 Critical Illnesses.




  • Critical Illnesses Coverage*
    • Group 1: Stroke, Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, Heart Attack, Kidney Deficiency, Aortic Surgery with Graft, Pancreatic Transplant, Kidney Transplant, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
    • Group 2: Cardiac Valve Operation, Cardiac Transplant, Severe Myocarditis, Cardiomyopathy
    • Group 3: Blindness, Coma, Benign Brain Tumor, Loss of Hearing, Severe Burns, Loss of Limbs, Loss of one Limb and one Eye, Apallic Syndrome
    • Group 4: End stage of Liver Failure, End stage Lung Disease, HIV from blood transfusion, HIV acquired by profession, Sudden Hepatitis, Liver Transplant, Lung Transplant, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
    • Group 5: Paralysis, Multiple Sclerosis, Encephalitis, Parkinson's Disease, Meningitis, Severe Head Trauma, Polio, Kinetic Neuron Disease, Deteriorated Hyperonuclear Palsy - resulting to permanent symptoms, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Decreasing Scleroderma
    • Group 6: Cancer, Aplastic Anemia, Bone Marrow Transplant

    (*) as defined for the purposes of the insurance policy, in the insurance's general terms and conditions 

  • Main Characteristics

    The key features of the Insurance Policy include:

    • The option to select the insured amount
    • Lump sum payment of the insured amount directly to the Insured
    • The Critical Illness's diagnosis should be completed 90 days after the issuance of the insurance policy
    • It is offered only as additional coverage

    Insurance Duration

    One (1) year with the possibility of annual renewals.

    Expiry Age

    Sixty fifth (65th) year.

    Premium Adjustment

    The premium is determined on an annual basis.


The Company is exempted from its obligations if the Insured Person does not meet the conditions required.

For further details please refer to the Terms and Conditions in your Insurance Policy.

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